A Calculated Man #1
A Calculated Man #1
"A Calculated Man #1," authored by Paul Tobin, chronicles the tale of a character known solely as Jack Beans—a mob accountant who becomes an informant for the U.S. Marshals. However, Jack decides to take action into his own hands in an attempt to dismantle The Keys. He believes that the only logical method to ensure safety is to neutralize every potential threat. Concurrently, Jack's liaison with the Marshals is entering retirement, and he is being transferred to a new agent, who is notably a rookie.
Key Facts:
An accountant formerly employed by the mob turns against his bosses and finds himself on the lam, only to realize that his proficiency in mathematics makes him a surprisingly efficient killer.
[May 2022 - Aftershock has announced that this title has been optioned for a series on Hulu]
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